Without proper consideration of all re-use, waste to resource opportunities, and disposal needs, surplus soils can pose a very expensive problem to the client.
LBWco specialises in:
developing simple strategies to optimise soil reuse and disposal outcomes
assisting clients to understand soil reuse or disposal options for urban renewal and development projects
Waste Derived Fill (WDF) solutions for soils and industrial residues
the standards and processes required by the EPA to gain their support for the beneficial reuse of a range of wastes specifically recovered for use as fill. (WMPs)
If you need to:
manage large volumes of soil – surplus or imported, or
meet specific management outcomes as part of bulk earthworks or site preparation
We can help. Our solutions will be based on the planning and design phase to minimise costs; the prevention of delays in project schedules; the inputs that support improved decision making; environmental sustainability.
We take a balanced risk-based approach, and incorporate the need for quality assurance measures, the demonstration of beneficial properties and minimising risk of harm.
We are experienced in participating and facilitating strategic discussions with EPA and delivering projects associated with waste to resources, including development of acceptable use criteria and monitoring guidelines.